
For Union Printing, operating within the precepts of a Quality Control System means applying these rules to every aspect of managerial and production activities with the goal of optimizing each phase in the chain of production. Union Printing has chosen to follow its mission adhering to the values of sustainability and ethical practices and committing to a process of continuing improvement. 

Union Printing and the Quality Control System


Applies exclusively to the rapport with the Client. It is customary that the quality Control System defines the requisites of the System of Quality Management. (SGQ) The requisites expressed are of a general nature and can be applied to any type of organization.

An ISO9001 Certification guarantees:

  • increased competitiveness in the market, distancing the company from unqualified competitors and fully responding to the demands of the Client;
  • increased recognition on an international level;
  • miglioramento dell’immagine e della comunicazione esterna ed interna;
  • riorganization of internal resources, through a balanced policy of specific potential of human resources within the company;
  • high quality of products and services offered through quality control and improved production and/or distribution processes; improved methods of tracking the services rendered;
  • improved efficiency of the organization and optimization of workflow resulting in lower production costs.

Dichiarazione della Politica per la Qualità

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Union Printing for the Environment


La UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 “Sistemi di gestione ambientale. Requisiti”  è  una norma, conosciuta e
riconosciuta a livello internazionale che individua le caratteristiche basilari di un “sistema di gestione” orientato alla salvaguardia e tutela dell’Ambiente.
La sigla ISO 14001 identifica uno standard di gestione ambientale (SGA) che fissa quindi i requisiti di un «sistema di gestione ambientale» di una qualsiasi organizzazione, che fa parte della serie ISO 14000. Lo standard può essere utilizzato per la certificazione, per una auto-dichiarazione oppure semplicemente come linea guida per stabilire, attuare e migliorare un sistema di gestione ambientale. La norma ISO 14001, giunta alla sua seconda edizione del 2004, si ispira esplicitamente al modello PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), detto anche Ciclo di Deming dal nome del suo ideatore William Edwards Deming. Una estesa linea guida è contenuta nella ISO 14004, che riporta i principi, sistemi e tecniche di supporto per i SGA. Una più sintetica ”guida all’uso” è contenuta nella stessa ISO 14001:2004.
Certificarsi secondo la ISO 14001 non è obbligatorio, ma è frutto della scelta volontaria dell’azienda/organizzazione che decide di stabilire/attuare/mantenere attivo/migliorare un proprio sistema di gestione ambientale.
Questa piuttosto sta a dimostrare che l’organizzazione certificata ha un sistema di gestione adeguato a tenere sotto controllo gli impatti ambientali delle proprie attività, e ne ricerchi sistematicamente il miglioramento in modo coerente, efficace e soprattutto sostenibile. Utile sottolineare ancora che la ISO 14001 non è una certificazione di prodotto.

Enviroment Policy

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Policy for FSC® and PEFC

FSC® Certification

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Forests supply us with clean water and fresh air; they help to combat global warming. If managed properly, they make a great contribution to surrounding communities and to the world at large. Sadly, in some countries, up to 80% of the forests are felled illegally, in violation of basic human rights. The FSC® logo identifies wood derivatives that originate in correctly and responsibly managed forests, according to rigorous environmental, social and economic standards. The original forest is controlled in an independent manner, conforming to these standards (principles and criteria for good forest management), established and approved by the Forest Stewardship Council a.c. through the participation and combined efforts of the interested parties. FSC® is an international ONG, independent and non-profit, whose members come from environmental and social groups, native communities, forest landholders, industries that grow, harvest and commerce in wood, scientists and technicians who cooperate to improve the management of forestries worldwide. Taken fromtaken from www.fsc-italia.it

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PEFC™ Certification

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PEFC is a guarantee that the wood-based products for paper and other wood-based derivatives come from sustainably managed forests. A Certificate of Forest Management
demands adherence to a verifiable and standardized procedure. This then is the requisite for a certificate that attests that the methods of forest management have been
determined according to the principles of sustainability. The forests holding certification are regularly examined by independent inspectors. The following principles are
an integral part of PEFC forest management.

  • conserves the forest habitat for animals and plants,
  • maintains the ecological, protective function of the forest regarding water, terrain and climate,
  • protects the bio-diversity of the ecosystems in the forest,
  • verifies the origin of wood-based raw materials,
  • only permits the harvesting of trees, respecting the natural growth patterns of the forest,
  • provides new planting in areas subjected to harvesting or, preferably, permits the forest to regenerate naturally,
  • protects the rights and the health of forest workers,
  • promotes and prefers a short supply chain,
  • guarantees the rights of indigenous populations and owners of forest tracts.

[download certification document]

Union Printing and its social and ethical responsability

For four years, from 2013 to 2016, Union Printing was certified with SA8000. This year, the Company has chosen not to renew the certification. However, regarding our perspective on ethical standards, Union Printing remains committed to following a correct and responsible social behavior according to the precepts contained in the UN declaration of Human Rights, the conventions and regulations of the International Labour Organization (ILO), with particular emphasis on the protection of the less fortunate members of society and safety in the workplace, respecting all applicable laws and promoting maximum transparency in all issues dealing with labour and the workplace. Conforming to the guidelines of international standards of SA8000 in 2008, Union Printing is committed to maintaining its high standards by implementing internal audits, conducted by representatives of SA8000, that guarantee continued improvement and, more important, that insure that suppliers be monitored , that human resources inside the company be trained and, if necessary, that best practices be modified.